
Friday, November 27, 2009

Re: [Technical-Investor] options data 2711


Apologies, it was not in 2003.
Maybe later, or maybe not on this forum at all (what a great help I have been!!!).
I will make a sincere effort to dig it out on other desktop later this evening (I always use Outlook Express, and the post might be buried somewhere in the thousands of emails in it).
However, FOR ALL THOSE WHO JOINED THIS FORUM RECENTLY -----it is worth a look at ALL messages posted on this forum right from day 1. You have to go to the home page ---Messages--Oldest and start reading them one by one.
Lots of things to learn, not only about TA, but also human behaviour and other things - you will find a lot of arguments in the past too :D
The whole exercise might take 1 full day, but it is worth the time and effort  I feel.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2009 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor] options data 2711


Hi AP (Love you dear - millions of flying kisses - )
Thanks for the clue.
PS: Hi guys this is just out of respect from a student to the guru - dont think otherwise.
RIC: - All Newbies & Dear Prashanth: Would seek your help in locating that post of AP. I too would do the needful at my end.
Thanks AP - thanks for taking the time.
Have a nice weekend
Best Regards

--- On Sat, 11/28/09, Abhijit <> wrote:

From: Abhijit <>
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor] options data 2711
Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009, 1:40 AM


I had posted a message a few years back on this forum (maybe in 2003 I guess, not sure :D), about how trading in options can be extremely profitable (the momentum trades - not to be mixed with the Greek alphabet).
I had explained in detail how one can take a trade and what are the benefits - I had given a live example -  I think the example given was of a trade in HPCL, and one more stock.
If you have the time, and can manage to search that old post, please re post it here.
I will see if I have it on my computer too.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2009 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor ] options data 2711

Dear Abhijit
"Aap Ka Hukum Sar Ankho Peh"
Will definitely follow your advise where trading options is concerned.
But you bet i can't burn my fingers or become naked learning about naked options and also doing paper trading on the same until such time as i no longer call myself the so called "NEWBIE".
Dear Abhijit - Good Try - my request is still on - Even the oracle of Omaha can't keep me away from my burning desire to learn - then be it options or futures or anything in the field of technical analysis and trading.
"For He is He and I am I " - Have no intentions of following in others footsteps - need to leave my own prints even if it takes more time and efforts - do not mind it.
PS: Believe you me - i will always be a newbie as long as i am in this profession because that will always keep me, my ego and my emotions in check.
Thanks for your concerns
Eagerly awaiting your next post giving more details about options and futures to feed our hunger for knowledge and not our ego's.
God Bless

--- On Sat, 11/28/09, Abhijit <ap19632000@yahoo. com> wrote:

From: Abhijit <ap19632000@yahoo. com>
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor ] options data 2711
To: Technical-Investor@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009, 1:15 AM


You have always been calling yourself a newbie.
My sincere advice then is to stay thousands of miles away from derivatives. ...Read this.......

Warren Buffet on Derivatives

Following are edited excerpts from the Berkshire Hathaway annual report for 2002.

I view derivatives as time bombs, both for the parties that deal in them and the economic system. Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction

However, a half-reply to your query - there are 2 ways of using options - to hedge, or, to trade.
1. Hedging is done by those who want to keep their position protected from both sides, but they do have a bias (bullish or bearish) - e.g. buying Nifty futures, and selling a 5200 ce. (their profit as well as loss are capped)
2. Then there are traders who go naked long or naked short. 
One can go long in say Nifty - by either selling puts, or buying calls.
Selling options (calls or puts) requires margin equal to that required for a futures contract.
Buying options requires a very less amount - e.g. Buying 5100 ce at 90, needs only 50 (lot size) x 90 = Rs. 4500.
If Nifty goes to say 5450, this 5100 ce will be trading at, minimum 350 (appreciation from 90 to 350).
However, if Nifty does not go up, the trader can either have a stop loss for the premium (say yesterday's low 62, thus losing only 90 - 28, or if he does not follow a SL, the whole amount, i.e. 90.
The key here is--the trader knows eaxctly what is the worst possible loss he has to face (Rs. 4500 in the above example).
Take a case of a trader who has gone long, by selling a 4700 put at, say 75 (investment - worth 1 lot in futures, far more than buying a ce).
If at all, Nifty falls (in spite of Balaji's support:)), and say, goes to 4500, this put will be at least 200, thus giving a loss of 200 -75 (if the trader does not follow a SL). Imagine a scenario where Nifty goes to 4000..the put will be 700!!!! he has to pay up the broker!.
The key here is - the trade does not know exactly how much money is at risk.
After the election results, when Nifty rose more than 10%, imagine the plight of those who had sold calls (naked) before the results.
For those retail traders, who believe in trading in options (naked) - [now don't ask me what is naked!!!!], it is advisable to buy options rather than write (sell).
What Vish and I do is ride the momentum based move in any options (I had posted some charts last week), and we do not bother about the Greek alphabets. Any trading system (e.g. Moving avergaes) will work on Options charts as long as there is liquidity.
This subject is very vast and what I have mentioned above may not be even 1%.
Hence......I repeat--as long as you are a newbie---- STAY AWAY FROM DERIVATIVES.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2009 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor ] options data 2711

Hi Vish
Thanks for you immediate attention and reply.
Couple of Queries:-
Though buying calls and shorting puts have the same impact do the FII's indulge in 2 different instruments just as a strategy to deceive the retail investors and achieving their targets without drawing too much attention.
I always get confused about - what is the advantage shorting puts when you can achieve the same by buying calls - any particular reason to do so other than what i have stated above.
Also, would appreciate if you could explain at your convenience one to one inputs as mentioned in your daily email - for instance how do we interpret figures in brackets and without and so on and so forth. May be simple things but need to understand alphabets before trying to read sentences.
I guess by FII's you are referring to the smart money guys - a concept that is adopted for analysis in VSA/VPA form of TA but based on prices here.
Fortunately, me too having sharekhans trade tiger thus would hence forth keep an eye on what you have just stated below regarding realtime charts of puts and calls.
Also, how do we decide which puts or call range to refer to - is it that if nifty spot is at lets say 4950 we refer to puts and calls for the ranges 5000 as well as 4900 i.e. closest upper and lower ranges.
My questions may sound very kidish but would be happy to understand the complete mechanisms of puts and calls and its relationship with the underlying asset etc without off course ending up with Black Sholes model.
RIC: Dear Abhijit would sincerely appreciate if you could guide us too until such time as Vish is back in town. With your help and guidance we may be able to spring a surprise on Vish by the 2nd of December by posing intelligent questions based on Vish's OI statistics.
Also, any clues for interpreting buy and sell signals on put and call charts in the eg: shared by Vish - "5 mins charts of dec 5000 puts was in buy mode since 25Nov 2009 @93 (1.59pm) gv a sell only today @232 (1.59pm)"
RIC: Vish - Bon voyage - have a safe trip. Will definitely miss your statistics during your absence- truly appreciate you sincere efforts.
God Bless You Guys for handholding us newbies.
Thanks & Best Regards

--- On Fri, 11/27/09, vish <vichooo_1999@> wrote:

From: vish <vichooo_1999@>
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor ] options data 2711
To: Technical-Investor@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 10:51 AM

Hi Floyd
I am travelling tonight  and will be away till 02 Dec 09. There wont be any updates till 2nd Dec.
Regarding OI interpretation I would like to state the following:
Shorting of Puts and calls require margins like futures. Naturally the big players would engage in such activity as they have money power. Imagine a Fii wants to buy shares for say 500 crores in a day. The guys who are in knowledge of this FII action wud go and buy calls and /or short puts.Even the concerned FII wud buy calls and short puts.
Changes in OI wud tell us what the big guys are doing. This cannot be a leading or sole indicator for our trades. Just an additional information. One shd track intraday movements in OI which we get in trade tiger. The open interest changes at support and resistances will give useful insight. At times, this may give confusing signals too.  Iam also trying to understand the movements in OI with changes in price.
I use option charts which I got the idea from Abhijit(ap)  and trading in options is really worth it if you get live data. For eg:
5 mins charts of dec 5000 puts was in buy mode since 25Nov 2009 @93 (1.59pm) gv a sell only today @232 (1.59pm)

From: FLOYD JOHNY LEWIS <fjl24@yahoo. com>
To: Technical-Investor@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, November 27, 2009 8:14:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor ] options data 2711

Hi Vish
I know i am burdening you with this request.
But would be highly obliged if you could write in details how  one should interpret the info that you so sincerely forward to this group.
At the moment we newbies are not able to take full benefit of all your hardwork purely due to lack of knowledge at our end.
This request is by me on behalf of all newbies.
I personally am not ashamed in admitting that i have no much clues on options and futures as never focused on it till date.
But based on intermarket analysis concepts it makes sense for us as future Technical Anaysts and Traders to be aware of what is happening in the immediate surroundings.
God Bless you for all your hardwork and efforts for enlightening this group.
Thanks in advance
Best Regards

--- On Fri, 11/27/09, vish <vichooo_1999@> wrote:

From: vish <vichooo_1999@>
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor ] options data 2711
To: Technical-Investor@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 9:32 AM

Options with increase in OI
Ticker Date/Time close ch in Pr volume Open Int ch in vol ch in OI ch in OI %
PE4800NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 101.25 16.65 11,282,350 4,095,950 8,337,250 1,029,100 33.56
PE4700NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 73.55 14.20 8,623,600 3,125,650 7,281,950 964,300 44.62
CE5000NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 131.80 (13.75) 12,443,600 3,368,350 10,288,500 809,850 31.65
CE4900NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 183.30 (19.45) 6,641,850 2,429,000 6,189,600 616,150 33.99
PE4500NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 40.05 9.10 7,063,500 3,669,900 6,191,100 553,450 17.76
PE4600NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 53.45 11.50 6,464,700 2,382,650 5,498,550 490,650 25.93
CE4800NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 245.00 (22.30) 1,606,950 1,371,150 1,389,500 459,700 50.44
PE4900NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 138.30 23.65 6,209,900 2,881,900 2,262,250 425,550 17.32
PE4200NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 15.85 3.85 1,430,700 1,151,150 1,299,700 350,050 43.70
PE4000NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 8.70 1.30 1,511,150 2,649,950 1,130,000 299,600 12.75
CE5300NIFTY0310 11/27/2009 159.50 (0.50) 263,150 250,050 263,050 249,950 249,950.00
PE4300NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 22.05 5.60 1,867,900 2,319,350 1,401,300 248,100 11.98
PE4100NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 12.05 2.90 1,081,150 800,150 931,550 185,300 30.14
CE5400NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 21.85 (1.45) 1,429,400 2,314,800 (190,200) 184,800 8.68
PE4000NIFTY0110 11/27/2009 24.90 5.15 245,050 550,250 144,000 171,050 45.11
PE4500NIFTY0110 11/27/2009 80.25 16.95 580,250 852,700 95,500 132,200 18.35
PE4400NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 29.60 7.55 2,197,800 1,350,350 1,643,050 108,200 8.71
PE4000NIFTY0310 11/27/2009 65.00 3.30 108,000 232,600 104,750 101,050 76.81
wow!  good shorting of puts have taken place at the lows. Its good news for the bulls.
Options with decrease in OI
Ticker Date/Time close ch in Pr volume Open Int ch in vol ch in OI ch in OI % MF 
CE5100NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 90.65 (8.70) 11,271,550 2,941,500 5,969,250 (710,350) (19.45) (64,393,228)
PE5000NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 185.65 28.15 2,877,850 2,883,950 (3,363,750) (522,800) (15.35) (97,057,816)
PE5100NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 243.90 35.05 953,900 1,361,250 (1,395,250) (136,500) (9.11) (33,292,350)
PE5200NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 311.85 42.15 227,850 932,900 (670,550) (46,950) (4.79) (14,641,358)
CE3500NIFTY0611 11/27/2009 1,674.00 (34.30) 25,050 145,200 0 (25,050) (14.71) (41,933,700)
CE4000NIFTY0611 11/27/2009 1,354.10 0.00 25,050 469,950 0 (25,000) (5.05) (33,852,500)
CE5300NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 36.00 (2.75) 2,702,450 1,658,250 823,850 (24,900) (1.48) (896,400)
CE5200NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 59.05 (4.60) 6,304,400 3,015,150 2,254,550 (17,600) (0.58) (1,039,280)
CE5500NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 12.85 0.05 805,650 1,766,400 120,550 (13,200) (0.74) (169,620)
PE4500NIFTY0310 11/27/2009 160.00 15.00 50,650 271,450 45,300 (9,400) (3.35) (1,504,000)
Significantly Dec 5100 ce has lost good amount of OI. This indicates profit booking in shorts.
Max OI  in nifty options
Nifty Range is now 4800 to 5000  (  changed fr 4900-5100 on Thursday)
Ticker Date/Time close ch in Pr volume Open Int ch in vol ch in OI ch in OI %
PE4800NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 101.25 16.65 11,282,350 4,095,950 8,337,250 1,029,100 33.56
PE4500NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 40.05 9.10 7,063,500 3,669,900 6,191,100 553,450 17.76
CE5000NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 131.80 (13.75) 12,443,600 3,368,350 10,288,500 809,850 31.65
PE4700NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 73.55 14.20 8,623,600 3,125,650 7,281,950 964,300 44.62
CE5200NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 59.05 (4.60) 6,304,400 3,015,150 2,254,550 (17,600) (0.58)
CE5100NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 90.65 (8.70) 11,271,550 2,941,500 5,969,250 (710,350) (19.45)
PE5000NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 185.65 28.15 2,877,850 2,883,950 (3,363,750) (522,800) (15.35)
PE4900NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 138.30 23.65 6,209,900 2,881,900 2,262,250 425,550 17.32
PE4000NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 8.70 1.30 1,511,150 2,649,950 1,130,000 299,600 12.75
CE4900NIFTY1209 11/27/2009 183.30 (19.45) 6,641,850 2,429,000 6,189,600 616,150 33.99
FII trading activity on NSE and BSE on Capital Market Segment
The following is combined FII trading data across NSE and BSE collated on the basis of trades executed by FIIs on 27-Nov-2009.
FII trading activity on NSE and BSE in Capital Market Segment(In Rs.. Crores)
Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value
FII 27-Nov-2009 1449.17 2506.35 -1057.18

  Domestic Institutional Investors trading activity on NSE and BSE on Capital Market Segment

The following is combined Domestic Institutional Investors trading data across NSE and BSE collated on the basis of trades executed by Banks, DFIs, Insurance and MFs on 27-Nov-2009.
DII trading activity on NSE and BSE in Capital Market Segment(In Rs. Crores)
Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value
DII 27-Nov-2009 2394.92 1696.25 698.67 
DIIs swung into action @lows!

Nifty data since 3/11/2009
Ticker Date/Time  high   low   Range   close 
^NSEI 11/3/2009  4,729.85  4,538.50     191.35  4,563.90
^NSEI 11/4/2009  4,717.80  4,565.00     152.80  4,710.80
^NSEI 11/5/2009  4,776.35  4,610.60     165.75  4,765.55
^NSEI 11/6/2009  4,836.20  4,764.85       71.35  4,796.15
^NSEI 11/9/2009  4,905.25  4,789.90     115.35  4,898.40
^NSEI 11/10/2009  4,947.70  4,860.10       87.60  4,881.70
^NSEI 11/11/2009  5,016.70  4,870.05     146.65  5,003.95
^NSEI 11/12/2009  5,014.40  4,924.75       89.65  4,952.65
^NSEI 11/13/2009  5,017.90  4,942.65       75.25  4,998.95
^NSEI 11/16/2009  5,073.20  4,994.00       79.20  5,058.05
^NSEI 11/17/2009  5,074.00  5,010.15       63.85  5,062.25
^NSEI 11/18/2009  5,079.30  5,041.65       37.65  5,054.70
^NSEI 11/19/2009  5,053.45  4,963.70       89.75  4,989.00
^NSEI 11/20/2009  5,063.30  4,932.80     130.50  5,052.45
^NSEI 11/23/2009  5,113.10  5,052.10       61.00  5,103.55
^NSEI 11/24/2009  5,112.85  5,053.50       59.35  5,090.55
^NSEI 11/25/2009  5,138.00  5,078.35       59.65  5,108.15
^NSEI 11/26/2009  5,116.45  4,986.05     130.40  5,005.55
^NSEI 11/27/2009  5,005.05  4,806.70     198.35  4,941..75
Bulls repeated their act of 20/11 but from 4800 levels. If this level is not broken we are on course to a new 52 week high.

From: vish <vichooo_1999@>
To: Technical-Investor@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thu, November 26, 2009 6:40:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor ] options data 2611

Options with increase in OI
Ticker Date/Time close ch in Pr volume Open Int ch in vol ch in OI ch in OI % 
CE5100NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 99.35 (54.75) 5,302,300 3,651,850 4,152,550 2,152,650 143..59
CE5200NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 63.65 (41.45) 4,049,850 3,032,750 2,438,950 1,148,150 60.92
CE5000NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 145.55 (68.80) 2,155,100 2,558,500 1,818,650 875,200 51.99
PE5200NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 269.70 85.35 898,400 979,850 707,050 606,250 162.27
PE4800NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 84.60 37.10 2,945,100 3,066,850 1,935,150 601,650 24.41
CE5400NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 23.30 (17.45) 1,619,600 2,130,000 1,122,400 516,600 32.02
CE5300NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 38.75 (28.85) 1,878,600 1,683,150 1,227,200 369,100 28.09
PE4900NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 114.65 47.50 3,947,650 2,456,350 2,763,900 343,350 16.25
PE4500NIFTY0110 11/26/2009 63.30 20.80 484,750 720,500 452,500 320,300 80.03
PE4700NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 59.35 26.00 1,341,650 2,161,350 781,650 270,250 14.29
CE4900NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 202.75 (81..30) 452,250 1,812,850 377,800 264,100 17.05
PE5100NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 208..85 75.70 2,349,150 1,497,750 774,500 260,600 21.06
PE4400NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 22.05 9.15 554,750 1,242,150 428,300 182,750 17.25
PE4600NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 41.95 19.00 966,150 1,892,000 596,650 151,850 8.73
CE5500NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 12.80 (11.00) 685,100 1,779,600 359,700 127,550 7.72
PE5000NIFTY0110 11/26/2009 212.55 63.00 132,000 176,350 97,300 107,800 157.26
Good shorting of calls of Dec series. Will 4900 be broken?

Options with decrease in OI
Ticker Date/Time close ch in Pr volume Open Int ch in vol ch in OI ch in OI %  MF 
PE5000NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 157.50 62.95 6,241,600 3,406,750 3,968,250 (257,050) (7.02) (40,485,376)
PE3900NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 5.70 0.80 44,350 533,700 30,000 (7,650) (1.41) (43,605)
PE3500NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 3.25 0.55 50,700 1,637,350 (4,200) (3,300) (0.20) (10,725)
PE3800NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 4.60 0.65 18,050 234,000 (500) (3,000) (1.27) (13,800)
CE3000NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 1,984.20 (90..80) 3,450 250,450 2,850 (1,650) (0.65) (3,273,930)
PE3700NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 4...30 0.50 9,650 679,250 2,600 (1,300) (0.19) (5,590)
PE4500NIFTY0611 11/26/2009 415.00 10.00 850 610,150 800 (350) (0.06) (145,250)
PE2100NIFTY0611 11/26/2009 48.50 (5.90) 150 175,750 (100) (100) (0.06) (4,850)
CE2500NIFTY0611 11/26/2009 2,522.60 (113.80) 50 242,700 0 (50) (0.02) (126,130)
CE2800NIFTY1210 11/26/2009 2,229.10 (115.50) 50 350,050 0 (50) (0.01) (111,455)
Max OI  in nifty options
Nifty Range is now 4900 to 5100  (  changed fr 5000-5200 on Wednesday)
Ticker Date/Time close ch in Pr volume Open Int ch in vol ch in OI ch in OI % 
CE5100NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 99.35 (54.75) 5,302,300 3,651,850 4,152,550 2,152,650 143.59
PE5000NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 157.50 62.95 6,241,600 3,406,750 3,968,250 (257,050) (7.02)
PE4500NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 30.95 14.05 872,400 3,116,450 536,500 45,850 1.49
PE4800NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 84.60 37.10 2,945,100 3,066,850 1,935,150 601,650 24.41
CE5200NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 63.65 (41.45) 4,049,850 3,032,750 2,438,950 1,148,150 60.92
CE5000NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 145.55 (68.80) 2,155,100 2,558,500 1,818,650 875,200 51.99
PE4900NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 114.65 47.50 3,947,650 2,456,350 2,763,900 343,350 16.25
PE4000NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 7.40 2.05 381,150 2,350,350 200,400 50,800 2.21
PE4700NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 59.35 26.00 1,341,650 2,161,350 781,650 270,250 14.29
CE5400NIFTY1209 11/26/2009 23.30 (17.45) 1,619,600 2,130,000 1,122,400 516,600 32.02
Nifty data since 3/11/2009
Ticker Date/Time high low Range close
^NSEI 11/3/2009  4,729.85  4,538.50     191.35  4,563.90
^NSEI 11/4/2009  4,717.80  4,565.00     152.80  4,710.80
^NSEI 11/5/2009  4,776.35  4,610.60     165.75  4,765..55
^NSEI 11/6/2009  4,836.20  4,764.85       71..35  4,796.15
^NSEI 11/9/2009  4,905.25  4,789.90     115.35  4,898.40
^NSEI 11/10/2009  4,947.70  4,860.10       87.60  4,881.70
^NSEI 11/11/2009  5,016..70  4,870.05     146.65  5,003.95
^NSEI 11/12/2009  5,014.40  4,924.75       89.65  4,952.65
^NSEI 11/13/2009  5,017.90  4,942.65       75.25  4,998.95
^NSEI 11/16/2009  5,073.20  4,994.00       79..20  5,058.05
^NSEI 11/17/2009  5,074.00  5,010.15       63.85  5,062.25
^NSEI 11/18/2009  5,079..30  5,041.65       37.65  5,054.70
^NSEI 11/19/2009  5,053.45  4,963.70       89.75  4,989.00
^NSEI 11/20/2009  5,063.30  4,932.80     130.50  5,052.45
^NSEI 11/23/2009  5,113.10  5,052.10       61.00  5,103.55
^NSEI 11/24/2009  5,112.85  5,053.50       59.35  5,090.55
^NSEI 11/25/2009  5,138.00  5,078.35       59.65  5,108.15
^NSEI 11/26/2009  5,116.45  4,986.05     130.40  5,005.55
Previous day low has been breached by a big margin! It remains to be seen whether there will be a bounce from 4920-4930 support region.
Can the bulls repeat what they did on 20/11/2009?  As of now  it looks really tough.

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