"Last week, I wrote about the advantages of using a trainer to help you with your trading. While finding a trainer can be a time consuming task, here is something everyone can do right away to markedly improve their performance...
This week's "Tools of the Trade": http://snipr.com/tools-of-the-trade
Explicit NON-commercial advisory: Spot-on, advantageous FREE information, products and/or services presented weekly.
This week's "Tools" topic: Demystify trading basics. Master trading principles in a 10-part FREE email trading course put on by the renown Adam Hewison, President of INO.com and Co-creator of Market Club. (Keep your cash, you get this free.)
We are low-risk, long-term investors.
Stocks, mutual funds and the entire investment gamut. Only financing/investment avenues in India will be discussed.
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