
Sunday, July 05, 2009

DG - I m sitting n thinking hard about...

I m sitting n thinking hard about life...

How it changed from simple college life 2 strict professional life

How pocket money changed 2 huge monthly paycheques.. But gives less happiness

How a few local jeans changed 2 new branded wardrobe...But less occasions 2 use them

How a single plate of samosa changed 2 a full pizza...But hunger is less

How a bike always in reserve, changed 2 a car always on, ...But less places 2 go

How a tea by roadside change 2 CCD, Barista... But it feels as if the shop is far away

How a limited prepaid card in mobile changed 2 post-paid package... But v don’t feel like using it

How a general class journey changed 2 flight journey...

But less vacations 4 enjoyment..n many more

May b this is d truth of journey called  "LIFE"


BigGains !!
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