"The feds are supposed to pursue corrupt operators. But now the feds are at the center of the racket. Talk about infamy? Now, it's right here at home...How does the racket work? It's very simple...
This week's "Tools of the Trade": http://snipr.com/tools-of-the-trade
Explicit NON-commercial advisory: Spot-on, advantageous FREE information, products and/or services presented weekly.
This week's "Tools" topic: If you're already room-trading e-mini futures contracts, here's your chance to talk with Jeff Brewer, one of the best! Once you click this week's "tools" link, simply enter, "I want to learn more!" in the info section and Jeff will set-up your one-on-one conference and tour of what his service has to offer, and his track record. We point you to FREE stuff: The consult costs exactly $ -0- !
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