
Monday, October 01, 2007

$$ DreamGains !! $$ Chanakya - A good meeting begins with discipline...



Name of paper: MUMBAI MIRROR (Times of India)

Date: Monday, 1st Oct, 07 (page 22)




-          Radhakrishnan Pillai


(This weekly column will explore the relevance and application of Principles and Strategies of Chanakya as discussed in his 3rd Century BC treatise, Kautilya's Arthashastra, in Today's Corporate World)



Bill Gates had said in his book Business at the speed of thought, "The most effective meetings are the ones when the participants come well-prepared".


This is true, and something already known to Chanakya who had made this rule long ago in our country. He wanted people to not only come on time, but also to come well-prepared with their reports.


If they turned up without that, they were actually fined or even punished.


He said,


"For (managers) not coming at the proper time or coming without the account-books and balances, the fine shall be one-tenth of the amount due" (2.7.21 )


Discipline in meetings is very important. Listing various aspects, Chanakya gave utmost importance to punctuality and a well-prepared meeting. Let us take a detailed look at these:




A meeting is an event where two or more people meet to discuss certain ideas. In a company, most of the meetings have an agenda for which people meet. For example, a sales review meeting. This will require the sales team to come and discuss the sales achieved, upcoming strategies to achieve the next targets and also the plans for moving ahead.


A meeting is also held for an exchange of ideas, an opportunity to network, understand the working styles of others as well as to share or seek information.




A good meeting is one that has a clear agenda. The timing for such meets is worked out well in advance and communicated to all. It starts on time and also ends in time. People feel nice after one such productive meeting rather than having one meeting flowing into another without any progress.


In today's scenario especially, when time is a precious commodity, one should not hang around without a clear agenda. Every second has to be made productive.




The first thing is to communicate. This is the role of the organiser. Remember, you have to communicate four things to the relevant participants way before they gather: WHERE, WHEN, WHO and WHAT.


Where is the meeting going to be held (venue).When (the time – both starting and ending), Who (the chairperson or speaker for the session) and What (the agenda and the topic for the meeting).


In any event, if you are a participant of a meeting, you have to always come prepared with the relevant reports and required papers.


When asked for any particular information, no time should be wasted. A quick and prompt response will help in the decision-making process.


Additionally, try to understand the importance of a meeting. Be a good organiser, conductor and participant of a meeting. Also, never hesitate to teach others to have effective meetings.



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$$ DreamGains !! $$ Work-life balance is the crux of time management

Work-life balance is the crux of time management


D. Murali & A. Paari


Time management is life-management, says Mr Ramesh K. Arora. "Managing

time better, therefore, implies a philosophy and a strategy, to

apportion equitable time for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual,

familial, social and professional demands and responsibilities of

life, and to get the best value of time through proper planning and

prioritising," he explains, in a recent e-mail interaction with

Business Line.


Mr Arora, an MPA and Ph.D. from the University of Kansas, Lawrence,

US, is chairman, Management Development Academy, Jaipur. He has been a

consultant and trainer in the fields of management, government systems

and behavioural sciences for the past three decades. He is the author

of 'Time Management: For Happiness and Success'



Excerpts from the interview.


With the increasing use of new and user-friendly technologies, is

there more time at the disposal of the executive? Alongside, has work

expanded beyond the time saved?


User-friendly technologies save time on routine and repetitive

activities and thus generate additional time for more creative and

crucial assignments. Newer opportunities for organisational growth

motivate executives to initiate additional ventures and resultantly,

work expands beyond the time saved. In fact, that is the hallmark of a

dynamic organisation.


Is it a normal human tendency to pack into the hours more than can be achieved?


Yes, it is normally true. Man's ambitions are reflected in one's style

of time management. Little wonder, the to-do lists are rarely executed

fully. A lighter work schedule leads to low output, and a heavier

schedule produces enhanced results. But one should be cautious while

planning a day; for, too many unattended tasks create a sense of

stress and un-fulfilment.


Do you advise against the use of the phrase, 'I am busy'? Aren't

people 'busy' when focused on a task, so much so they can't spare time

for any other activity?


General Cariappa said, "I have never used the words 'I Am busy'." The

sentiment of his proclamation was whatever he was doing at any point

of time, it was in fact the most natural pursuit for him though he

could be construed as 'being busy' by other people,. When focused on a

task, people are "busy" but that "busy-ness" is more with the sense of

inclusion of one's objectives and priorities than exclusion of other

activities of less priority and importance.


On a different note I would certainly and humbly caution people

against using the phrase "I am busy" for creating an artificial aura

of importance and un-approachability specially when coupled with power

and authority. Instead, it would be better to say, "Currently, I am

focused on this activity, and that would engage my total attention

until next week."


Are there differences between time-perception in India compared to

other countries? Does Indian philosophy (of eternity?) come in the way

of effective time management?


The question has both philosophical and psychological shades. There

are certainly differences in time-perceptions of the South Asian

people as compared to those of other regions like Europe and the US in

the realms of long term vs short term orientation, respect for

punctuality, commitment and sensitivity of others' time, and reverence

of time as a character building value. Indian philosophy of eternity

does affect our orientation towards time management. The notion of

eternity dilutes the reference point of time, resulting in weakening

of a sense of urgency in goal-achievement. But in the urban-educated

India, this approach is being replaced with a more down-to-earth

orientation towards efficiency and effectiveness.


What, according to you, are the indicators/metrics of proper time management?


A few indications/ metrics of proper time management are:


Rational work-life balance.


Planning and prioritising the tasks and assigning deadlines to

"important but not urgent" obligations.


Focus on results, not activities.


Maintaining a dairy for time-logging and for recording reflections on

the day spent.


Avoiding procrastination.


Controlling interruptions.




Mitigating personal and official time-wasters.


Having "quiet hour" for reflection, sound introspection, evaluation

and creative work.


Self-management and systems improvement.


Proper delegation and supervision.


Working with enthusiasm and avoiding stress.


Should employers disable the Net, mail, games, chat and other such

facilities on the desktop computers to ensure that employees don't

spend time on things other than work? How effective are such controls?

Do mobile phones contribute to time leak?



In professional organisations, these are used mainly as

stress-busters. Self-regulation is more effective than controls

imposed from above. In any case, an over-use of recreational

facilities will tell upon the overall productivity and invite closer

supervision by the seniors. In workstation kind of setting, nothing

remains hidden and secret. Hence, unless casualness becomes endemic,

there is no serious cause of concern.


On work-life balance – its importance and the how of it.


This is the crux of time management. We should be able lead a "Rainbow

Life", apportioning "optimal" time for physical fitness, pranayam,

reading, reflection, meditation, prayer, family, social relationship

and professional obligation. As far as possible, there should be an

inclusive and integrated approach to effecting a work-life balance,

not sacrificing any essential facet of happiness and growth.


Can time management add to stress when one is obsessed with sticking

to schedules?


Experiences say that only appointments should be scheduled. Time

schedules and excessive obsession with sticking to these does breed

stress. Some generic practices like scheduling most creative work for

the most biologically appropriate time helps. In a multi-role, multi-

expectation and dynamic contextual setting, time schedules serving

singular convenience will only complicate life. Somebody very rightly

said, its not the time that needs to be managed, it's the activities

that should be managed. Whenever time-schedules create moderate

stress, it is termed as useful stress or "eustress".


What are the typical problems that arise when implementing the

urgency-importance matrix?


Some of the typical problems confronted in this regard are:


Categorising what is urgent and important" or "important but not

urgent" or "urgent but not important." Subjectivism can make the

classification topsy-turvy. Hence it should be revised whenever a need



Focusing an "urgent" at the cost of "important".


Prioritising within the categories of "urgent" and important activities".


Your top 5 tips for managers, staff, housewives and students. Tips

that can immediately show results!


Tips for managers:


Be a total person. Strike a work-life balance.


Follow the 80/20 principle.


Prepare properly for appointments and meetings. Be punctual. Have cushion time.


Improve the system and follow the canons of self-management.


Mitigate time-wasters. Avoid procrastination.


Tips for housewives:


Plan your day, keeping in view the needs of your family and your own



Once a week, shopping is ideal. Use a shopping list. Keep your kitchen



Ration time for friends, TV and light reading.


Train your husband, children and assistants to be effective,

self-reliant and helpful.


Avoid arguments, anger and unnecessary criticisms.


Tips for students:


Have regular hours for meals, sleep, study, play and recreation.


Listen most attentively to lectures in the classroom and complete your

school/ homework regularly.


Upgrade your knowledge, language, and expression power constantly. Do

as many written assignments as possible.


Control gossips, TV time, laziness and mobile talk time.


Always prepare a daily to-do list and implement it with sincerity.


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$$ DreamGains !! $$ Touchy Ego

Touchy Ego

Only the ego can be touched. It is very touchy. If somebody just looks
at you in a certain way, it is touched. He has not done anything. If
somebody smiles a little, it is touched; if somebody just turns his
head and does not look at you, it is touched. It is very touchy. It is
like a wound, always open, green. You touch it and the pain arises. A
single word, a single gesture -- the other may not even be aware of
what he has done to you, but he has touched it.

And you always think the other is responsible, that he has wounded
you. No, you carry your wound. With the ego your whole being is a
wound. And you carry it around. Nobody is interested in hurting you,
nobody is positively waiting to hurt you; everybody is engaged in
safeguarding his own wound. Who has got the energy? But still it
happens, because you are so ready to be wounded, so ready, just
waiting on the brink for anything.

You cannot touch a man of Tao. Why? -- because there is no one to be
touched. There is no wound. He is healthy, healed, whole. This word
'whole' is beautiful. The word 'heal' comes from 'whole', and the word
'holy' also comes from 'whole'. He is whole, healed, holy.

Be aware of your wound. Don't help it to grow, let it be healed; and
it will be healed only when you move to the roots. The less the head,
the more the wound will heal -- with no head there is no wound. Live a
headless life. Move as a total being, and accept things.

Just for twenty-four hours, try it - total acceptance, whatsoever
happens. Someone insults you, accept it, don't react, and see what
happens. Suddenly you will feel an energy flowing in you that you have
not felt before. Somebody insults you: you feel weak, you feel
disturbed, you start thinking of how to get your revenge. That man has
hooked you, and now you will move round and round. For days, nights,
months, even years, you will not be able to sleep, you will have bad
dreams. People can waste their whole life over a small thing, just
because someone insulted them.

Just look back into your past and you will remember a few things. You
were a small child and the teacher in the class called you an idiot,
and you still remember it and you feel resentment. Your father said
something. Your parents have forgotten, and even if you remind them,
they will not be able to remember it. Your mother looked at you in a
certain way and since then the wound has been there. And it is still
open, fresh; if anybody touches it, you will explode.

Don't help this wound to grow. Don't make this wound your soul. Go to
the roots, be with the whole. For twenty-four hours, just twenty-four
hours, try not to react, not to reject, whatsoever happens.

If someone pushes you and you fall to the ground -- fall! Then get up
and go home. Don't do anything about it. If somebody hits you, bow
down your head, accept it with gratitude. Go home, don't do anything,
just for twenty-four hours. And you will know a new psurge
of energy that you have never known before, a new vitality arising
from the roots. And once you know it, once you have tasted it, your
life will be different. Then you will laugh at all the foolish things
you have been doing, at all the resentments, reactions, revenges, with
which you have been destroying yourself.


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