
Friday, November 27, 2009

Re: [Technical-Investor] Dubai Default


Once again there are so many hits on the belief that world is coming to an end on 12/21/2012 since the Mayan calendar does not describe details beyond 2012.  Other theories about the meteor/star coming towards mother earth will create what once happened that killed the dinosaurs, but much worse. 

Now, the opposite of it also exists where Nasa and others have tried to logically describe how it will be just a miss.  From my Christian schooling in India, I have heard many such dates, and none of them have come true.  Maybe the Mayan's just ran out of Ink or Paper or Leaf when they were talking about 2012!  

Who knows?  Who to believe?  Neither, in my opinion. 

If we believe the world is coming to an end, then we need to act and do the things that we always wanted to do, but I don't see anyone of my friends/associates doing it, or hearing it on the news.  Maybe there are many souls that are already in Maldives and Hawaii enjoying their last 1 year on earth!  < Love this one

Sniper Trader wrote:



- Planet Niburu (planet x) will enter earths orbit
- Anunnaki's will visit us and proclaim as our gods
- World will be a  happy place

No, i am not making this up.

Its more believable than wave "x" in EW....atleast for me!


On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Brijesh Janardhanan <> wrote:

2012 = Towering US debt

From: kk s <>
Sent: Thu, November 26, 2009 10:07:10 PM
Subject: RE: [Technical-Investor] Dubai Default


21st Dec 2012

To: Technical-Investor@ yahoogroups. com
From: bees2365@yahoo.
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 11:15:58 +0530
Subject: Re: [Technical-Investor ] Dubai Default

In Tamil, there used to be a folklore which says empires will fall after building tall or monumental structures. They used to quote the Chola dynasty for that I saw that happening in Malaysia afteR  Petronas Towers. Now in Dubai. When is China?


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--- On Fri, 27/11/09, Sniper Trader <snipertrader@> wrote:

From: Sniper Trader <snipertrader@>
Subject: [Technical-Investor ] Dubai Default
To: Technical-Investor@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, 27 November, 2009, 7:58 AM


Good Morning Working Drones -

Today's news carries a series of unexpected and surprising headlines when the Dubai Government announced that Dubai World will ask creditors for a standstill agreement to extend the maturities of all debt repayments by Dubai World and its property unit Nakheel until May next year.

Now the interesting thing here is that the bets on Dubai's default (using CDS and other wall street toys) weigh in much higher than the actual default.

What is also interesting is....the news was released on a US market holiday. 

This COULD have huge ramifications for the markets 

Equities will react....thats a no brainer...but the USD could strengthen.. .putting further pressure on global mkts including commodities.

The play book move would be what we saw when Lehman collapsed

- USD strong
- Equities Weak
- Commodities Weak

Somehow i feel, things will be slightly different this time.

I am watching the CDS mkt space for more clues..looks like Greece is next!


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--  Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan to Get Ahead in 2009-2012.....  KKP Investor ------------ ------------ Bull Markets are Born on Pessimism,  Bull Markets Grow on Skepticism,  They Mature on Optimism, and  Die on Euphoria - Sir John Templeton ------------------------------------ Bear Markets are Born on Recessionism,  Snowball on Momentum & Technical-Breakdowns,  Mature on Eco-Political-Nightmare Talks, and  Die on World-Is-Coming-To-An-End Euphoria - KKP  -----------------------------------------------  >BUFFET: My rule is to be fearful when others are greedy,and be greedy when  others are fearful. All day you wait for the pitch you like, then when  the fielders are asleep, you step up and hit it. Stay dispassionate and  be patient. First the crowd is boozy on optimism and buying every new  issue in sight. The next moment it is boozy on pessimism, buying gold  bars and predicting another Great Depression. Most people get interested  in stocks when everyone else is jumping in. The time to get interested  is when no one else is interested. You can't buy what is popular and  expect to do well.   ABOVE ALL: Whatever God Does, Accept that as Good; Leave Behind ALL Other Judgements/Justifications. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Disclaimer> Do you homework for your ownself and then invest.  My ideas are not advice.       

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