
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

[sharetrading] Re: what to do


Gujarat Telephone Cables Ltd. has ZERO value
Forget about it
Looks like you were a very enthusiastic investor investing in each and every IPO during those years

But then I believe you must have also got many multibaggars
e.g. Sulzer from 10 to 800 and LT from 20 to 2000
So its all in the game
Forget the past (flopped IPO`s)
Think of future
Happy investing

--- In, gowtham gowtham <gowtham2007k@...> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I am holding many companies shares like punjab wireless, srinivasa metals, caplin point, xedd telecom, femnorminerals, gujarat telecable,goldstar alloys,king chemicals,karnataka cement, like this fifty company shares are holding by me. I want how to make money from this shares because this companies are not listing nowdays, once upon time volume creaters in bse and nse.So kindly give ideas for where to approach or what to do with this shares.Like this many companies in my list I named some companies only.

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