
Monday, November 01, 2010

Fw: Invest in Gold - through "Gold ETF"


Celebrate this "Dhanteras" by investing in Gold - thru' "Gold ETF" 

 Act Safe....... Act Smart  

The best way to invest in Gold is to invest thru "Gold ETF"easiest & cheapest way of investing in Gold. 
Salient features of Gold ETF :
  • Investment in Gold without taking physical delivery of Gold - totally avoids risk of theft.
  • Each unit of Gold ETF is approximately equal to 1 gram of Gold
  • Purchases can be made thru' our NSE terminals *, just like purchasing a Share.
  • Units will get credited in your Demat account, again like Shares. 
  • Gold ETF prices are normally 2-3% cheaper than the price of pure gold. 

For better information, please Click here.

FYI, "AXIS Mutual Fund" has come out with their "Gold ETF NFO" which is open already and closes on 03/11/2010.
Safest....Purest.....Cheapest..... Easiest..... "Gold ETF" - a Golden opportunity to invest in Gold.
Contact your nearest branch of Integrated for further assistance.For list of branches visit      
MF investments are subject to market risks. Please read scheme information document carefully before investing. 
*Integrated Securities Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Integrated Enterprises (India)Ltd., SEBI Registration number  INB231271835 for capital market & INF231271835 for Futures & Options.

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