
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fw: IndiaInfoline Clubbing of settlements (due to Parsi New Year- holiday on Aug 19th, 2010)

Sub: Clubbing of settlements (due to Parsi New Year- holiday on Aug 19th, 2010)

Please note that owing to the Parsi New Year Bank holiday on August 19, 2010, the shares bought on August 18, 2010 should not be sold on August 19, 2010 as trades done on both these days will be settled together on August 23, 2010.

Also, please note that the pay-in, pay-out schedule for stocks sold on August 18, 2010 and August 19, 2010 to 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m on August 23, 2010 respectively.



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