Your comments please!!!!!!!!!!
Ravindra Deshpande
-------- Original Message --------
Equitymaster - Private Wealth Alliance Dear Valued Subscriber: I have great news for you! Today we launch Equitymaster's Private Wealth Alliance, our life time membership service that has been conceptualized based purely on feedback of valued members, like you. I would like to personally invite you to become a member of this very exclusive service. Complete details of the Private Wealth Alliance are given below... Thank you Warm regards, Rahul Goel CEO, This offer will close on 31st July 2010. It won't open again for a very long time... How a Phone Call From A Subscriber of 6 Years Got You The Best Offer Ever From Equitymaster FREE - LIFETIME ACCESS* to a) Our large cap recommendation service StockSelect, b) Our midcap recommendation service MidcapSelect, c) Our small cap recommendation service Hidden Treasure, d) And our ongoing research service ResearchPro (Rs 25,000 per year value) (*Don't worry about your existing subscriptions. Just read the details first...) FREE - Copy of the Equitymaster Yearbook every year (Rs 750 per year value) FREE - LIFETIME Portfolio Tracker account (Rs 330 per year value) FREE - LIFETIME ADMISSION to all Equitymaster Webinars with renowned investing experts (Simply priceless) ... Plus much, much more! Everything you need to know about this offer is below. But we must hear from you before 31st July 2010. There will be no extensions... Dear Equitymaster Subscriber, If you give me 10 minutes of your time, I'll show you how to get free lifetime access to four of Equitymaster's proven stock recommendation services. It's true! There's no catch. No strings attached. You might already know that our premium services StockSelect, MidcapSelect and Hidden Treasure cost a minimum of Rs 5,000 a year each. And ResearchPro costs Rs 10,000 a year. But now, you can get all of them FREE... for life! How so? Well, this is just one of the many benefits of our brand new, never before offered LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP. It's an unbelievable offer, and it's all thanks to this subscriber of 6 years I'll tell you about shortly. Join now and you'll save Rs 101,650 in 5 years... Rs 227,300 in 10 years... Rs 478,600 in 20 years! And the best part - you can also bequeath your membership to any person of your choice. So this can indeed serve you and your family for a very long time to come. More on this in a moment... But first... Who exactly is this subscriber And what has he got to do with all this? Like I said, this subscriber is one of our long-standing subscribers. (We'll not be revealing his name for privacy reasons) He has been with us for 6 years now, and he's currently subscribed to all of our services. About a month or so ago, I got a call from him. The entire call lasted for more than 30 minutes and we talked about a lot of things. But here's something he said that's most important to you and me right now... "Rahul, without a doubt your research is of very high quality... and I've made a lot of money from your recommendations too. But renewing each subscription every year is a bit inconvenient. Is there to way to maybe pay once, and get all the research for many years? And I'm also subscribing to all your services, so I hope you can provide a better deal for subscribers like me." This got us thinking. We've always attached a lot of importance to what our subscribers have to say, but this guy had really hit the nail on the head! "A combined package at a discount, huh? Why didn't we think of it?" "Wait! Maybe we can do even better..." One phone call from a long-time subscriber brings you This outstanding new service from Equitymaster. . . So we started looking for ways to reduce the cost and make it possible for our subscribers to benefit from all four services... And that's when we came up with this idea of creating the Equitymaster Private Wealth Alliance. Simply stated, the Private Wealth Alliance* is a package consisting of StockSelect, MidcapSelect, Hidden Treasure and ResearchPro together. (*Please note that the Private Wealth Alliance comprises of only these 4 services, and does not include ValuePro or any other service we may launch in the future.) But if you look at it more closely, it is an opportunity to be a part of a select group of investors who have a clear and distinctive advantage over other normal investors. How is that? Well, by signing up for the Private Wealth Alliance Membership, you'll be notified of attractive investment opportunities across a wide spectrum of stocks and sectors. You will receive - Every large cap recommendation we publish under StockSelect...
- Every midcap recommendation we publish under MidcapSelect...
- Every small cap recommendation we publish under Hidden Treasure...
- Every ongoing research report we publish on 100+ top-notch companies under ResearchPro...
- Every other special report we publish under these four services...
- And much more of cost, for life! In a nutshell: By becoming a Private Wealth Alliance member, you'll never pay a single penny more in subscription fees while receiving a package of research services. And in addition, you'll also get a FREE copy of the Equitymaster Yearbook every year... FREE lifetime Portfolio Tracker account... and FREE admission to all future Equitymaster webinars. Unbelievable, right? Being an Equitymaster Premium subscriber, I assume you already have a fairly good idea of these 4 services. But still, here's a quick overview of them again... Premium Research Service #1: Make Triple-digit Returns Consistently From 'Not-so-profitable' Large Caps If you've been investing in stocks for even a short while now, you've surely heard at least one of the following things about large caps: - Large caps are all about safety and consistent dividends
- Large caps can never make you big returns
- Large caps are too expensive even to just buy and hold
- You will never get rich investing in large caps
- ... and so on
But the truth is not only can large caps offer you safety and consistent dividends, they can also make you triple-digit returns easily... often in a period of just 2-3 years, without much risk. In fact, if you're one of those who acted on our recommendation and bought the stocks we recommended, you yourself have seen multiple triple-digit earners in the last two years alone. Like... 143% on Zee Entertainment 132% on Maruti Suzuki 147% on UltraTech 116% on GAIL 118% on Marico And the secret to such returns - grabbing good large cap companies with strong future prospects, when they are selling for less than their real value. Yes! When you grab good companies cheap, making big returns from them becomes all the more easy. That's what our large cap recommendation service, *StockSelect*, helps you do. Our team is on the constant lookout for good large caps selling cheap, and when we come across such companies we recommend them to our subscribers right away. Did you know that on an average, 82% of all our "Buy/Hold" StockSelect recommendations from the period 2002 to 2009 have met their targets? This by itself is strong proof that our recommendations work. - Normal price of StockSelect = Rs 5,000 per year
- For Private Wealth Alliance members, FREE, for life
- Plus, our recent special report on a potential Large Cap multibagger also free!
When you join Private Wealth Alliance through this offer, we'll also give you our most recent StockSelect special report "India's answer to Google: A blue-chip that will double your money". We strongly believe this stock could give you 100% returns over the next 3-4 years if you act fast and invest in it right away. Premium Research Service #2: Cash in from Midcaps As they grow big I'm sure you've heard of investors who got rich quickly when a company they invested in got very big in a few years. At the same time, I'm sure you've also heard of people who lost all their money when a company they thought would be "the next big thing" got wiped out all of a sudden. Both of these scenarios are very common among midcap companies. The thing is while there are many good midcap companies waiting to break out of their shell and become big, there are also many others that will vanish without a trace just after a few years. Our midcap recommendation service, *MidcapSelect*, helps you find the reliable midcap companies without falling prey to bad ones. Plus, the most important thing - we talk face to face with managements of companies before recommending them. So that helps you avoid Satyam-like companies indulging in frauds, which are dime a dozen among midcaps. Here's how some of our midcap recommendations have fared of late... 211% on Shriram Transport Finance Ltd. 160% on Opto Circuits 183% on Sintex Industries 421% on Yes Bank 283% on Ess Dee Aluminium 108% on Cadila Healthcare And just like in the case of large caps, in this case also 71% of our BUY/HOLD mid cap recommendations have hit their target prices either much before or on the date of the stipulated time period. - Normal price of MidcapSelect = Rs 5,000 per year
- For Private Wealth Alliance members, FREE, for life
- In addition, our recent special report consisting of 3 Midcap multibaggers free
Our recent special report titled 'Multibagger Midcaps - II' consists of details about 3 midcap stocks that could double in 2-3 years. The first four midcap stocks listed above were recommended as part of Multibagger Midcaps - I, and the results are there for everyone to see. Now this new version of the report can be yours FREE, if you join Private Wealth Alliance through this offer. Premium Research Service #3: Invest in high-potential small caps before others catch a scent of them You probably know Blue-Star today as a company that's involved in a lot of things. But did you know that at one time, it was just a 3-member team engaged in the reconditioning of air conditioners and refrigerators? It's true! Many other big companies out there today also had similar humble beginnings. They were all small companies that managed to survive and achieve enormous growth. Now, experience tells us that only 2 out of 5 small cap stocks have a chance of succeeding. So what was the thing that set apart these companies from the other small companies that failed? Well, apart from other things, all these companies were already leaders in the small area of the industry they operated in. The aim of our small cap recommendation service, *Hidden Treasure*, is to find just such small companies. Small companies that have an edge over their bigger competitors in their area of work. Here's how some of our small cap recommendations have done in less than 2 years since we recommended them: 553% on eClerx 302% on Zylog Systems 204% on Page Industries 213% on KPIT Cummins If you would like such big returns too... and don't mind taking calculated risks to achieve to same... then Hidden Treasure is the service for you. - Normal price of Hidden Treasure = Rs 5,000 per year
- For Private Wealth Alliance members, FREE, for life
- And another special report consisting of 3 multibagger SmallCaps also free
Join Private Wealth Alliance now and you'll also get our special report "Superstar SmallCaps" consisting of 3 small cap stocks that we believe will at least double over the next 3-4 years. In fact, two of them could actually triple too. You can benefit from all of them if you join Private Wealth Alliance now. Premium Research Service #4: Profit from market changes that make other investors lose money and squander money-making opportunities Have you ever felt compelled to buy a stock because everyone else is buying it, and to sell a stock because everyone else is selling it? It's not your fault. That's Mr. Market at work. Every year many investors lose money... or lose an opportunity to make money... because they chose to go by market sentiment rather than by the facts. But now, there's a way to insulate yourself from the effect of Mr. Market and instead use these incidents to reap huge profits. How, you ask? With the help of our ongoing research service, *ResearchPro*. Through ResearchPro, we continuously monitor 100 top Indian companies throughout the year. These include 80 large cap and 20 mid cap stocks, spread out across 24 different sectors. And we monitor them regardless of how good or how bad they're doing. This gives you the opportunity to utilize the swings in market sentiment to your benefit and either grab a perfectly good stock for cheap, or cash out before a stock starts to fall. For example... in September of last year, we did a review of all stocks from the Pharmaceutical sector. We discovered that quite a lot of them presented a HUGE profit potential for investors and advised our subscribers about the same... On October 8th, 2009 we sent out a special message to our subscribers discussing Pharmaceutical companies that were looking very attractive during that quarter. And today... just eight months later... 4 Pharma stocks that we had recommended then have generated pretty good returns for subscribers who took us up on our suggestion and bought those stocks. Following are the details of the stocks and returns generated so far: Dr.Reddy's: | 33.1% | Lupin: | 31.8% | Sun Pharma: | 24.0% | In the same way, if we find that investing in stocks belonging to a certain sector can be risky, we warn our subscribers about that also. For instance, during the present quarter we advised our subscribers to stay away from a certain sector (sorry, details only to subscribers). And we also gave them a list of stocks from that sector that have the possibility of falling soon. There are many other benefits of this service too which are difficult to realize unless personally experienced. So just join Private Wealth Alliance and see what ResearchPro can do for you. - Normal price of ResearchPro = Rs 10,000 per year
- For Private Wealth Alliance members, FREE, for life
- Plus, a report consisting of details of 2 more stocks that could double in 3-4 years
Recently we released a report exclusively to our ResearchPro subscribers titled "An Opportunity to Benefit from These Most Undervalued Stocks". This report too will be yours to profit from when you join Private Wealth Alliance. A Lifetime Portfolio Tracker Account The Portfolio Tracker is something that requires no introduction. You're probably using it every single day already. But since we're talking about passing on the Private Wealth Alliance membership as a part of your inheritance, I felt that it needs a special mention here. Just think about it... If you're going to bequeath your portfolio to a family member... Or if you decide to retire from investing and ask him or her to take over... Wouldn't it be great if the person could know what stocks you owned, what mutual funds you owned, the current prices of each, the current value of your entire portfolio, the stocks you were tracking, and much more... just by looking at a page? Well that's the convenience the Portfolio Tracker can offer to whosoever you choose to inherit your portfolio. Normally to keep your Portfolio Tracker account alive, you'd either have to keep renewing your subscription to our premium services or to the Portfolio Tracker itself. But now, when you join Private Wealth Alliance, we'll provide you with a permanent, secure, lifetime Portfolio Tracker account. So no more worries about renewing your account every year... and you can use the Portfolio Tracker to multiply your family wealth for many years to come. And last but not the least... The Equitymaster Stock Market Yearbook | In all likelihood you've seen the Equitymaster Yearbook also. This book offers accurate, unbiased and detailed data on leading companies, sectors and economy... all in one place! Very shortly, we'll be releasing the 2011 version of the Equitymaster Yearbook containing the very latest information on 200 leading Indian companies. We have put an order for a limited number of CDs, and they will be given out on a first-come-first-served basis. If you join Private Wealth Alliance now, you can be among the first to get it. And not just this time alone, but every year also we'll dispatch you a CD of the New Yearbook as soon as it's released. As a Private Wealth Alliance member, you get top priority. Note: The Yearbook 2011 CD will be delivered to your address before 15th October. And it will only be mailed to addresses in India. So if you happen to be someone residing outside India, you can instead have the CD sent to a friend or relative's address in India and relayed to you from there. To sum up... Service | Normal price | You pay | StockSelect | Rs 5,000 | 0 | MidcapSelect | Rs 5,000 | 0 | Hidden Treasure | Rs 5,000 | 0 | ResearchPro | Rs 10,000 | 0 | Equitymaster Yearbook | Rs 750 | 0 | Portfolio Tracker | Rs 330 | 0 | Total = | Rs 26,080 | 0 | *Private Wealth Alliance does not include ValuePro or any other service we may launch in the future So you save at least Rs 26,080 per year with a Private Wealth Alliance membership. Sure, but what about the price of the Private Wealth Alliance membership itself? Yes, I'm coming to that now... Like I showed you, normally you'd have to shell out Rs 26,080 minimum PER YEAR for all the above things combined. But now, for a lifetime membership to The Private Wealth Alliance, you pay just Rs 24,950. And this Rs 24,950 is a one-time payment. That's right! You will never have to pay for subscription or renewal again... You'll receive every single report from each of the 4 services free of cost for as long as we continue to publish them. Except, from the second year onwards, you'll just have to pay a small 'Annual Maintenance Fee' of Rs 950 towards maintaining your membership to Private Wealth Alliance. Why this maintenance fee again? Well this small fee will go entirely towards meeting the expenses that we incur in servicing you. Like expenses for the mailing and postage and website maintenance, etc. And it will enable us to maintain a healthy business that's essential for providing you with a lifetime of profitable, independent stock research. So you will make your first maintenance fee payment in January 2012. Thereafter, a fee of Rs 950 will be charged from you in January of every year. In any case, Rs 950 for 4 services comes down to about Rs 238 per service per year. What would you rather pay - Rs 5,000 per year or Rs 238 per year? Oh, you say you're subscribed to one or more of these four services already? That's no problem too. We'll simply deduct the price of your existing subscriptions from Rs 24,950 and you will pay only the balance. Let's calculate how much you will save in 5 years. . . Your normal yearly expense towards the 4 research services = Rs 25,000 Plus the cost of Yearbook and Portfolio Tracker = Rs 750 + Rs 330 = Rs 1080 Normal expense at the end of 5 years = Rs 26,080 X 5 = Rs 130,400 But by signing up for Private Wealth Alliance now, your 5-year expense = Rs 24,950 + Rs 950 X 4 = Rs 28,750 So you save Rs 101,650 in 5 years by signing up for Private Wealth Alliance. Similarly at the end of 10 years you save Rs 227,300. At the end of 15 years you save Rs 352,950. And at the end of 20 years you save Rs 478,600! Not to forget all the extra money you could make and save from our research. So why hesitate more? Click here to sign up Why Our Research Turns Out To Be Accurate More Often Than Not. . . You see, most investors consider the return on their stock investment to be the key yardstick while deciding whether or not to buy a stock. But legendary investors like Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett have always maintained that 'evaluation of risks' should be given as much importance as 'estimation of returns'. It is in this direction that our research team has developed the Equitymaster Risk Matrix or ERM which helps quantify the risk attached to a stock. The ERM is an integral part of our stock selection process. Here's more on the ERM, which to the best of our knowledge is truly unique... Look, we all know that large caps are less risky than midcaps... and these in turn are safer than small caps. However no two large, mid or small cap companies have exactly the same degree of risk. Even if they operate in the same sector, their business dynamics, managements and valuations are different. That's why it is important to evaluate the risk involved in each case separately... because at the end of the day it all comes down to how much price you are willing to pay for how much risk. Coming back to the ERM... The ERM is a matrix designed to evaluate the key risks attached to a business, it financial history and its management. It ranks not just the company but also the sector in which it operates based on its relative risk profile. Some of the main points to note about this matrix are: - Metrics such as debt to equity and 5-year average profit margins are used to judge the soundness of the business' financial performance.
- Return on invested capital and promoter holding enjoy the highest weightage in this matrix. This is to ensure that the management is committed to the business and is shareholder friendly.
- Most importantly, the valuation of the stock is a key determinant of the ranking in this matrix. This is to be certain that the investors do not lose sight of margin of safety.
If you're not convinced that such an evaluation helps in improving returns from stocks, let me give you an example to prove that it indeed does... and did! How the ERM made and saved our subscribers money. . . When markets were at their nervous best in late 2008, our Buy recommendations on ACC, Tata Steel, Corporation Bank and Maruti Suzuki were backed by our confidence in the low risk profile of these companies as shown by ERM. As expected, these stocks went on to multiply our subscribers' wealth several times. And it was THIS risk matrix that helped us zero in on the best stocks to recommend to subscribers when several of them were looking attractive. But that's not all... Again, it is the same ERM that we rely on to quantify the risks we believe subscribers need to be cautioned about - be it a particular company's business or valuations - while recommending a 'Sell'. Let's consider our Sell recommendation on Zee Entertainment dated December 8, 2007 for example... Despite a possible 7.4% average annual return expected from the stock over a period of two years, we advised investors to Sell the stock. The inherent risks in the business evident from ERM helped us do so. And we are now glad that we stuck to the objectivity of the ERM. ERM has evolved over the past 4 years through our constant endeavour to enlighten investors about not just the returns expected from stocks, but also about the risks associated with the businesses they are buying into. Given the complex operating environment that Indian business are aspiring to be a part of, we believe the ERM can offer immense value to investors seeking to maximize their long term returns by without taking on too much risk. And a chance to benefit from ERM and the stock recommendations you get through it is perhaps the biggest benefit you get when you sign up for Private Wealth Alliance. So here's the deal. . . You can join Private Wealth Alliance and try it for 30 days. If you're already subscribed to all the 4 services, then you know this is a steal of a deal. If not, you can sign up and check out the other services which you're not subscribed to at the moment. We'll see how much you've paid for your existing subscriptions, and deduct that from Rs 24,950. So you'll only have to pay the balance amount to sign up. You don't lose any money that you already paid. In the rare case that you don't like Private Wealth Alliance... or if you decide that you don't want the combined package and would rather pay the full price for each service separately... just get in touch with us before the 31st day and we'll refund the FULL fee you paid. Plus, your existing subscriptions will also continue unaffected. What you should do now. . . This offer will be open only till 31st July 2010... And the truth is greater the number of people who accept this offer, the more we stand to lose. That's why we could even close registrations for Private Wealth Alliance after obtaining a couple hundred members. So please act quickly if you're really interested. Sign up now. Click here to know how much you'll have to pay. Regards,  Rahul Goel Chief Executive Officer P.S.: Tired of renewing your subscriptions every year? By joining Private Wealth Alliance, you can pay once and get access to 4 of our top recommendation services FREE for life! P.P.S.: Your Private Wealth Alliance membership comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. So if you don't like it we'll gladly refund your money, and your existing subscriptions will also continue unaffected. But please note that this offer will be available till 31st July 2010 only. P.P.S.: If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at +91-22-61434055 or Write in to us. We will be delighted to assist you! | | * Private Wealth Alliance includes only the 4 services StockSelect, MidcapSelect, Hidden Treasure and ResearchPro. ValuePro or any other new service we launch in the future will not come under it. Please read the Terms of Use. To Unsubscribe, click here. Equitymaster Agora Research Private Limited 103, Regent Chambers, Above Status Restaurant, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. India. Telephone: 91-22-6143 4055 Subscribe Now! Click here to know how much you'll have to pay. |  |
Please use your discretion before acting on the ideas expressed in the group.
Happy Trading,
United we grow!!!
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