
Sunday, July 04, 2010

RE: [sharetrading] Support BHARAT BANDH ON 5 JULY


Moreover other pillars of democracy have also been monopoly of the haves - politicians and capitalists. Almost all News papers have gone in "JANAN KHANA" of some politician or capitalist. Poor has lost faith in judiciary after Bhopal verdict. So violence, though cannot be justified, will automatically be accepted by some of the class which is mass!
---- Senthil <> wrote:
> But unfornuately in forgein countries the politicans are made to hear the public suffering by hornking or wearing bands. But in India nothing can make them to think for the public.
> With Regards
> Senthil
> Earning money is so simple when you start learning the money
> --- On Sun, 4/7/10, mugunthan chari <> wrote:
> From: mugunthan chari <>
> Subject: RE: [sharetrading] Support BHARAT BANDH ON 5 JULY
> To:
> Date: Sunday, 4 July, 2010, 21:06
> Well ! There is otherside to this BANDH ! Forget for a minute the issue of Petrol Prices . Does anyone have any right to distrupt public life distrupting hundreds and thousands of people which puts them to great difficulty. Don't we have anyother form of protest or to show our displesure.
> In RSA ( Republic of South Africa) people when passig before the parliment honk their car horns as a form of protest. In some of the countries they wear bands. But in India we are guided by Netas who at the drop of a hat call for bandhs. They fast for four hours in airconditioned conforts keeping their wives, children et. al by their side shedding crocodile tears for some neighbouring countries and whole state comes to a grinding halt. We have state sponsored bandhs, opposition sponsored bandhs and what not !
> We need to evolve someother effective steps to come out of this Bandh culture !!
> Regards
> Mugunthanchari
> To:
> From:
> Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 18:53:25 +0530
> Subject: RE: [sharetrading] Support BHARAT BANDH ON 5 JULY
> No disputes…
> But I guess it is all really not that simple…………….
> In Venezuela cost of petrol Rs 2.50 even today. No jokes……………. I have been there………….
> In Dubai Rs 12…………. I have been there too………..
> In EU it is near 1.3- 1.7 Euro eq to 90 rs….…………. I have been there too………..
> So in a country where we want rampant corruption, due to excessive population (being one of the reasons, bcos demand outstrips supply), one should question oneself………..
> I agree, we got freedom,,,  to have more children and burden the already burdened land. Nobody is willing to talk or discuss or face the reality….
> Face it,,,, are you willing to control?
> If not one should shut up and face the reality what one has to face with more children……….
> Let us not expect the govt to reduce the cost of financial burden for us to have more children and burden the limited resources, this land has….
> Just remember, this earth had population of just 2 billion just 1-2 centuries back. But now it is pushing near 8… Just think and act for one….
> I for one have acted and am near my end of my tenure on this planet…… How many are there like me………….. Very few… sorry to say….
> Just accept it and do not COMPLAIN……………….
> This has nothing to do with the freedom fighters or the jawans who lost their lives for the land….
> WE ARE ALL A LOT OF SELFISH PEOPLE>>>>>> Incl me in some respects….
> I for one am neither for the BUNDH or against it. I just flow with the stream…………………..
> From: sharetrading@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:sharetrading@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of PRS PTL
> Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 9:00 AM
> To: sharetrading@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: Re: [sharetrading] Support BHARAT BANDH ON 5 JULY
> this is coast of freedom. after all, that's what our freedom fighter fought for. it's pay back collecting by our leaders on behalf of our ancestors. 
> From: Manoj Doshi <doshimanojp@>
> To: sharetrading@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Sat, 3 July, 2010 3:02:51 PM
> Subject: [sharetrading] Support BHARAT BANDH ON 5 JULY
> Petrol price in
> Pakistan Rs. 26
> Bangladesh Rs. 22
> Cuba Rs.19
> Nepal Rs. 34
> Burma Rs. 30
> Afganisthan Rs. 36
> Qutar Rs. 30
> INDIA Rs. 53
> Centre tax 11.80%
> Excise duty 9.75%
> Vate ces 4%
> State tax 8 %
> Total Rs. 50.05
> Now extra 3 Rs, PER 1 LITRE
> Great job from govt. …
> Pass this messages to ALL INDIANS…………………
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