
Monday, July 05, 2010

[sharetrading] US


The opportunity that existed for Monday has been negated. Now new set ups have to be rebuilt for an end to the down slide……….

I see a negative opening with an intra day rise…. For our markets.

This week also would in all likeliness see a slide sideways. I expect no bounce at this stage. The down side in US still is open once again…..

The oil spill continuing in US GOM, will destroy the whole eastern coast of the American continent and also some of Ireland, UK coasts………………………for sure. This is a tragedy beyond compare in total history of human endeavor. In the process BP will be destroyed. In all likelihood, this company will be bankrupt. It is important for UK /US to remove it from their indices; else, the crash to be seen will be there for sure in coming months.  So till the leak is not stopped there, the bleeding of the markets will continue…………………………. The excuses given in markets will vary. I wonder why no huge hue and cry is given to this massive event, that the US president himself devoted many days….. Whereas for a bandh in India, there would have been front page coverage………….. In my opinion GOM should be front page news world wide, till it lasts……….. Even Iceland volcano is a natural disaster, whereas what we have here is totally a man made event….. For which natural solutions will not work.

Maybe that is the next best economic boom investment. Companies involved in clean up/ chemicals/booms etc

Say a prayer every day for a quick solution to this problem……………..


In light of this SEAMEC could be at a turn point. 5250 spot remains a resistance. As well as all offshore companies….. GToffshore and others……….. As I expect the clean up could take years and hence supply vessels of these companies could be in great demand………………..


So buy companies in this field………………………….. most companies are at a low and are low volume. So pick slowly not to upset the supply dynamics

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