From: A P Abraham <abrahamap@airtelmai
To: sharetrading@
Sent: Tue, 1 June, 2010 9:23:05 AM
Subject: [sharetrading] Sugar
I guess every one is tasting it
Happy Trading,
United we grow!!!
Gives Information about stock movements in Bombay stock Exchange(BseIndia) Bse ,National Stock Exchange (NseIndia Nse) and stock market tips.
I guess every one is tasting it
The short-lived strike by Air India employees makes one thing clear: the days of rampant trade unionism are over.
The tone of discussions on TV talk shows, where the airline's union representatives were on the defensive, and the public focus on the plight of hapless passengers leave little room for doubt.
The country's mood has changed when it comes to industrial action. The official statistics say it too, loud and clear.
Guess how many cases of industrial action there were in all of 2009 - a grand total of 69, counting both strikes by workers and lock-outs by managements. The number of man-days lost was 2.27 million. Back in the heyday of unionism in the 1970s and the 1980s, it used to be 10 times that number.
If there is a single episode which made the tide turn, it was the prolonged strike in Mumbai's textile mills that Datta Samant led in 1982.
That ended with almost none of the mills re-opening, except under government control - only for the majority to shut down anyway. Workers in Mumbai learnt the hard lesson that those in Kolkata were already absorbing: if you pushed things too far, you not only would not get a wage hike, you would lose your job. There hasn't been another such industry-wide showdown in 28 years.
It mattered that the courts changed their stance. Time was when political parties and unions could call bandhs and bring a whole state to a standstill. You could protest all you liked about the inconvenience and the loss of production, indeed the lawlessness of it all, but no one would listen.
Now, the Kerala High Court has cracked down against bandhs, and been backed by the Supreme Court. There has been a similar change of mindset on other labour issues. Time was when the Supreme Court asked Air India to absorb nearly a thousand contract workers (cleaners, canteen staff, etc) as permanent employees of the airline.
Now the same court has reversed its position on contract workers, although the law remains unchanged.
The arrival of competition has made a difference too. Monopoly unions in banking, telecom and insurance could hold their customers and the entire economic system to ransom.
But as in aviation, the entry of private players has given customers a choice and weakened the unions' coercive power. Finally, people have accepted the ups and downs of the business cycle, and job mobility (instead of lifelong jobs), as facts of life. The laws have not changed, attitudes have.
The pendulum could swing too far the other way, as there is growing evidence of employers not paying minimum wages, denying job security, and the like. Indeed, the Air India boss may have over-stepped with large-scale sackings. But, for the moment, managers find they are swimming with the tide.
Post-script: A word on labour statistics. The official figure for the country's workforce is 459 million, 268 million of them in agriculture. Of the remaining 191 million, only 26 million are said to be in the "organised" sector (establishments that have at least 10 employees).
Yet, the provident fund system (which covers establishments that have at least 20 employees) covers more people, not less as you would expect - 45 million members, in over 570,000 establishments. Since the PF system deals with real contributions made every month by members, its number must be more reliable than the figure for the organised sector, which must be a hopeless under-estimate.
Against this, the country's largest trade union organisation (the Marxist-affiliated Centre of Indian Trade Unions) has a verified membership of 2.6 million - a tiny fraction of the workers in the organised sector.
T N Ninan
Mkt poising upwards as of now.
Shorters be cautious
Buy TATACOFFEE (Bse code 532301) cmp 374 SL 360 tgt T1- 400- T2- 425+ |
Signals have been generated in these stocks that down side is limited. SL 0.5%
Contrarians add this at 121.4
SL 120
Bank Of Maharashtra- The Bank keeps innovating its Deposit and Loan Schemes and other services & products to meet the expectations of different segments of Society whether it be No Frills accounts and micro finance schemes or finance for large infrastructure, Industrial and Agril. projects. In other words, Bank of Maharashtra endeavours to be a Bank for Every Banking Need – a Financial Supermarket – a one stop Financial Mall – A Bank on which every member of a family can Bank upon. We endeavour to understand and anticipate the expectations of our customers so that we can confidently say Hum Samje Aap Ke Dil Ki Baat From a network of 1421 branches, at the end of March 2009, we have a network of 1455 branches as of 25.05.2010.We have planned more than 100 new branches during the Platinum Jubilee Year. With this initiative, Bank of Maharashtra will have presence in 25 States and 2 UTs including Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Meghalaya. We have set up Retail Asset Branches at Strategic Centres to facilitate quick and hassle free appraisal and disbursement of Home Loans, Vehicle Loans, Mortgage backed loans and loans for consumer durables - at Pune, Delhi and Mumbai. There are 5 Asset Recovery Branches at Aurangabad, Pune, Mumbai, Kolkota and Nagpur for efficient and effective monitoring and recovery of Non-Performing Assts. We are aiming at a total business of Rs.1,25,000 crores by March 2011. Our focus will be on reaching out to unbanked and under banked places, small-micro and medium enterprises and promoting profitable and sustainable agriculture and related activities which are critical for employment generation and equitable economic growth. We are recruiting nearly 200 Graduates and Post Graduates in Agricultural Science to assist our Rural and Semi-Urban Branches for promoting sustainable and profitable agriculture and integrated development of rural areas. We are adopting 75 backward villages all over India for promoting integrated development involving financial inclusion besides basic education, health and hygiene, conservation and efficient use of water resources Bank of Maharashtra's tryst with Financial Inclusion way back in 1989 when the Gramin Mahila Va Balak Vikas Mandal, an NGO was established primarily to promote empowerment of the economically weak and women. Today there are more than 50,000 Self Help Groups promoted by the Bank and in the Platinum Jubilee Year, our endeavour is to have 75,000 SHGs.We are endeavouring to complete training to more than 7500 rural youth for setting up profitable small enterprises, through our 5 Mahabank Self Employment Training Inst. and to set up one more such Institute in M.P. in the Platinum Year. The entire Network of 1455 branches has been brought under one Banking solution ie the Bank has achieved 100% CBS. All our branches numbering about 1500 by March 2010 will be over One Banking Solution. With that all our 12 million+ customers will be customers of the Bank across India rather than be customer at one branch – Anywhere Anytime Banking in the real sense. The ambition and endeavour of my 13700 strong team is to make transactions with and through Bank of Maharashtra, a cherishable experience for every customer We have reduced the waiting period for issuing ATM-cum-Debit Card from 3 weeks to instant delivery of the Card through a welcome kit at the time of opening account w.e.f. 15th July 2009 at select branches. We will make this a reality at every branch in the days to come. Maha Connect – Banks Internet Banking, Phone Banking and SMS Banking facility with online and offline request for funds transfer are available to large segment of customers. In the near future, we will endeavour to facilitate Income Tax Payment through our ATMs in addition to the existing facility of electronic payment of Central Tax through our Internet Banking protocol. We will be delighted to see all our Tax Paying Customers availing of this facility. Facilitating Online submission of application for credit facility, starting with Retail Credit like Home Loan, Educational Loan, Vehicle Loan and facilitating quick/prompt processing and monitoring through Nodal Centres is on the cards While technology no doubt provides competitive edge, it is only a tool. The real drive for growth rests with the people who use technology. In other words it is our workforce that will drive our growth and hence very valuable. Even as we channelize their energies to delight our customers, we endeavour to establish through equitable and transparent policies and actions a nurturing environment for our workforce – opportunities for everyone to grow personally and professionally, to work in different business environment and gain knowledge and competencies necessary to achieve career progress and meet growing expectations of customers; Rewards and Recognitions for good performance and fair methods for determining accountability in case of non-performance are also part of transparent and equitable policy. Safe Harbor Statement: Some forward looking statements on projections, estimates, expectations & outlook are included to enable a better comprehension of the Company prospects. Actual results may, however, differ materially from those stated on account of factors such as changes in government regulations, tax regimes, economic developments within India and the countries within which the Company conducts its business, exchange rate and interest rate movements, impact of competing products and their pricing, product demand and supply constraints. Nothing in this article is, or should be construed as, investment advice. |
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I guess every one is tasting it
Safe Buy > 19.95, with it as SL
Present entry sl 19
Only in strong AD market